
The Authoritarian’s Guide to Fascism

“A timeless strategy for seizing and holding power”

  1. Exploit Economic Vulnerabilities

    Ensure the cost of living rises faster than wages. Keep the majority in a state of constant financial strain. A population too busy struggling to survive has little time or energy to resist.

  2. Sow Division and Chaos

    Use fear to turn people against each other. Promote narratives of internal threats and external enemies. A divided society looks to a strong leader for protection and stability.

  3. Undermine Public Trust

    Foster suspicion of public institutions. Frame systems designed to serve the people—such as healthcare, infrastructure, and disaster relief—as wasteful or corrupt. Offer no alternatives, just a steady stream of doubt.

  4. Suppress Knowledge

    Devalue education and critical thinking. Promote simple narratives over nuanced understanding. A poorly informed populace is more likely to accept simplistic solutions and unquestioningly follow authority.

  5. Control the Narrative

    Reduce the flow of information. Discredit independent journalism and amplify loyal voices. When only one version of the truth is heard, people will stop questioning its validity.

  6. Target Dissidents

    Criminalize opposition under the guise of maintaining order. Label critics as enemies of progress, morality, or security. A fearful populace will applaud the removal of “troublemakers.”

  7. Exploit Patriotism

    Redefine loyalty to the country as loyalty to its leader. Blur the lines between the state and your regime. National pride can justify even the most repressive measures.

  8. Erode Oversight

    Gradually weaken or dismantle checks on your authority. Ensure the judiciary, legislative bodies, and enforcement agencies owe their loyalty to you, not to abstract ideals like justice or democracy.

  9. Encourage Helplessness

    Normalize the idea that change is impossible without you. Promote fatalism so people see no point in resistance. Apathy is your greatest ally.

  10. Reward Loyalty, Punish Dissent

    Create a system where those who support you thrive while dissenters face ruin. Over time, people will learn that survival depends on their obedience.

If you’re too blind to see it, you’re the problem. I will not bow nor kiss the ring.

I can only hope that I am wrong, or that I wake up.

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