Hello, welcome to my experimental journal, an anti-blog.
The name was chosen for two reasons:
- it combines the words
. Which I plan to rant about my suffering. - The actual word. It’s not common, but it means “someone who suffers or endures something”.
If it helps, think of it as the person whom is experiencing sufferance. That’s me. I’m miserable but I persist. And for some reason you’re here to suffer with me?
I intend to use this online space to let out my inner thoughts. I grew up in a cult and I had to be perfect. Well, I don’t have to be perfect anymore and neither do you.
I plan to dump my unfiltered thoughts about life, existence, and whatever else is bouncing around in my head. I’ll post whenever I feel like it. No strict schedule, no structure - just raw content when it needs to come out. Feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed. Or don’t. I don’t care.